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A Random Event
Made Everything Else
Much More Predictable

What is 8X Wealth?


8X Wealth is a groundbreaking global macro program built from the ground up with years of experience in global financial markets.






It consists of 3 game changing online experiences that form the 8X Macro Edge:


  • A very comprehensive training where you will acquire new skills to profit from, and better manage your risks with broader diversification in global macro markets: currencies, equity indexes, commodities and bonds.  We are releasing to the public for the first time our knowledge of auction markets because we believe you will significantly improve your returns while reducing your risk by up to 80%. Please take a minute to check out the training description here.


  • A private online trading room to gain macro experience. It's a private community where our macro traders share market opportunities in real-time, which will help you improve your profit taking and execution skills. The assets we trade are extremely liquid in the sense that you can get in and out of them in a matter of milliseconds with no or very low slippage. Not like real estate ...


  • An exclusive automated trading platform (ATP) that automatically trades in your own account through an application programming interface. It’s available only to 50 accredited investors worldwide; 8X ATP operates as a Select Investment Club with no management fee. It is crème de la crème technology.


Reserve your seat here.

It Started with a Random Event

Fred got introduced to Martin through a business partner back in 2018. A few drinks and sushi later, Fred and Martin decided to launch 8X Labs together. 8X Labs was acquired in Q4 '24 and its technology now powers more than 30,000 DOOH screens in North America.


Martin is a brilliant software engineer with over 20 years of experience. He acquired his knowledge in markets when he was a software engineer at Bloomberg in New York.


Fred has a corporate finance and technology background. He was trained in global macro finance and trading more than 15 years ago by Linda Bradford Raschke.


LBR was featured alongside Stanley Drukenmiller in The New Market Wizards.


Neither Martin nor Fred had really planned this.


But life had a different plan for them.


Martin's pixelated and Fred's analog views of global macro finance were just about to collide. 


The opportunity became tangible. The execution became achievable. The performance became real

© 2022-2024 by Wealth Strategic Technologies (formerly 8X Wealth)




Information provided by WEALTH STRATEGIC and their agents, including its traders and educators, is being provided to you as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. The opinions expressed on this website, on the training program or in the live trading room represent the personal views of the author(s). It is not investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. Any action that you take as a result of information contained therein is ultimately your responsibility. WEALTH STRATEGIC, any of its traders and educators will not be liable for any loss or damage, including without limitation to any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. You should consult with your registered investment advisor before making any investment decisions. It must be noted, that no one can accurately predict the future of the market with certainty or guarantee future investment performance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


Statements communication provided by WEALTH STRATEGIC, its traders and educators are forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements and other views expressed herein are as of the date of the relevant publication. Actual future results or occurrences may differ significantly from those anticipated in any forward-looking statements, and there is no guarantee that any predictions will come to pass. The views expressed herein and therein are subject to change at any time, due to numerous market and other factors. WEALTH STRATEGIC disclaims any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or views expressed herein. This information is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of any offer to buy any securities. Any commentary provided by WEALTH STRATEGIC, its traders and educators has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. WEALTH STRATEGIC recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies and encourages investors to seek the advice of a registered financial advisor. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives.


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